Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Home Show 2017

It didn't seem too long ago when our senior, a freshman back then, told us he wanted to join his high school marching band. We did not go through high school here, so this was a totally new concept to us, and all we knew then was that marching band required a really big time commitment. 

And it was no joke - the countless hours of band camps and practices from summer through the first semester, and competition after competition on the weekends - the four years of marching band went by like a breeze!

At this year's Home Show, when we were out there in the field with our senior marcher being recognized, it was quite an emotional moment, especially with both our marchers with us. It was a little sad that this is the last year for our senior, but it's great to see and know how much his participation has influenced his brother! 

Lastly, congrats to the Marching band and color guard for ending the season with flying colors! At the WBA Championships in Fresno last weekend, they finished 3rd place in both 5A and Grand Championships with their two highest scores ever! They also won the Best Music Award! Can't wait to see them again at the Los Altos Festival of Lights Parade and the Rose Parade!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Homecoming 2017

Another great success and celebration concluding the Homecoming week, with the wonderful float parade and homecoming game last Friday! And this year’s Marching band is especially exciting and special for us since both boys are in the marching band, not to mention they will be marching at the Rose Parade in January!  

The float parade is one of the highlights of the homecoming week. It was so festive and lightened up the neighborhood! It was also a treat to watch the half-time game show “Enchanted” by the Marching band and Color guards! Congrats to the 2017 Homecoming Queen and King, and to the class of 2018 for their win in the Homecoming video!