The most rewarding thing I got to do whenever I visit Hong Kong is to spend time with my grandmother, who has always been so dear to me. So glad I was able to spend a bit more time with her this year.
Grandma is a very charming lady. Everyone who knows her would say that. When she walks into the park, there are always people greeting and talking to her. Seeing her friendly, heart-warming smile always makes me happy. And it is such a blessing that she is living healthily and happily at the age of 93, thanks to the relentless care from my aunt’s family, so I can still capture her lovely smile and her everyday moments with my camera.
While spending the day at my aunt’s house, I realized the two things Grandma found most joy in are playing with her great grandchild and watching TV. This day, I took her out for a walk around the neighborhood, reminiscing the good old times when Grandma was our main caretaker while my parents went to work. We went to our favorite shop for an authentic bowl of congee, walked through the busy streets with shops and street vendors, and we strolled in the park. I realized Grandma was a great model, and she just did whatever pose I asked her to do! It was such a nice afternoon!
As I was holding her hand walking through the streets, a sudden swirl of emotions swept through me. I really missed those days when Grandma walked through these places with me. Wish I can do this more often with her!

Uncle found this historical photo for me! O my!