Monday, March 29, 2010

Hawaiian Luau - WATSA 2010

After the long hard work of so many volunteers for months, WATSA finally took place the past weekend. The weather was exceptionally beautiful. The kids were so energetic, running laps after laps to achieve their goals. Some eagerly walking around and around the kids raffle prize tables, deciding which ones to put their tickets in, while others enjoying the great selection of food or playing games. Some had so much fun trying to dunk the principle, their teachers or parents, and some joining their parents walking in the GLC deciding which items to bid on. Everyone at the event had so much fun.

Here is the slideshow with more images. It might take a bit longer to load. Please be patient during loading and enjoy it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pinto 1 Texas Ranger First game 2010

Last Saturday, Texas Ranger had a great start on their first game of the season. Everyone did so well!