Even though weather forecast said there would be rain on the BHU Turkey Shoot day, the early morning started with some clear blue sky and it looked promising for the shoot. The turnout was pretty good, with at least 70+ archers, from as small as age 4, came to compete for the turkeys for Thanksgiving. And it was especially fun for the kids to have 3D animals as targets.
However, we weren't quite prepared for the muddy trails, and while walking on the sticky mud, our shoes added at least 10 lbs of "stuff", which we kept trying to scrape off. The rain started to drizzle when we were about half way through. Luckily the lower trail was picked and the tall trees helped shield some of the rain. But when we got back to the shooting range for the delicious hot BBQ lunch, we were still half soaked. And the rain really started to pour after the winners were announced and prizes given out. It was quite an unforgettable Turkey shoot!

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